May the Day Come

May the time soon come when females will have their proper station in society, when they will no longer be considered the plaything and slave of men. May they cease to follow every vain or foolish and expensive fashion; and that instead of being so very anxious about dress—what they shall put on, or how gaudy they can make themselves appear, may they turn their attention to the cultivation of their minds—to the acquirement of such useful knowledge, as will assist them in performing the duties incumbent upon them, with credit to themselves, and incalculable benefit to the rising generation, and may they be right examples of prudence, frugality, economy, kindness, and every other virtue which adorns their sex; and above all may they detest the prudery, duplicity, insincerity and hypocrisy so much in vogue at the present day.


Men’s Desires

The rage of American gentleman seems to be for rich wives and small waists—both curses to any man.



Compelling Marriage

The greatest tyranny that ever enters into human imagination is that of a father compelling his daughter to marry a man she cannot endure.


Women’s Sphere of Influence

Various and novel, are some of the opinions formed of the sphere of woman's influence. All agree in its potency, and most contend, that it is lasting as the mind. Be this as it may, if it be exerted in behalf of right, then should it extend to all the departments of society.

Many fear that woman shall lose her dignity and female delicacy, if she should chance to depart from her usual beaten track of thinking or acting. If she be rich and educated, she may know all about the last novels, and the latest fashions for dress. She may play the piano and attend a party if no one from the vulgar class of seamstresses, housegirls or operatives are to be present. She may in fact, be of no use to any one, and a real drone in society, and then, she is qualified to pass for a real lady. If she be what the world calls less fortunate, she may take an active part in domestic affairs, she may educate her daughters in the common duties of a good housewife and instruct them in reading proper books, but never allow them to read a political paper, lest their good taste or manners become corrupted, and they learn something of the political history of their own state or country, which would be very unlady-like.

True it is that the good mother might allow her daughters to read the history of Greece or Rome, but to read the political history of our own country, would be another affair, and would subject them to ridicule at once. It is not at all strange, that we see so much ignorance of the commonest events of our political history when we take into consideration, the fact that to inform ourselves on these subjects, prepares us for the ridicule of a large class of very refined sensible persons. But we would enquire whether the real duty and influence of woman should begin and end within the narrow circle prescribed by the narrow prejudices of the past or present.

Is there any good work or benevolent enterprise to be carried forward, where she may not labor? Is there any vice that she may not rebuke? Is there any heavy burdens that she may not lighten? Is there any degraded son or daughter of vice to whom she may not speak words of encouragement and hope? Shall she not be a ministering angel at the hovel of intemperance and wretchedness; shall not her kind words and tears of sympathy recall the wanderer, and make glad the hearts made desolate by sin? These are some of the labors for woman to engage in,—these some of the imperative duties she should perform, to fulfill her whole duty as a philanthropist and a christian. Let her not wait until society is prepared to appreciate her labors of love—but be vigilant in preparing them. Let her quiet influence be at all times doing its holy and benign work, on all that shall come within its range, and she shall perform a work worthy of herself, and receive the plaudit, "well done good and faithful servant."



Women v. Ladies

Women are the last most perfect work of God. Ladies are the production of silkworms, milliners and dressing maids.


How to Treat a Wife

It is not every husband who knows how to treat a wife. The following admirable lesson on the subject should be carefully read and treasured in the memory of every husband, and of every one who contemplates assuming that relation. If rightly improved, it may serve to avert many of the troubles of life – change the clouds to sunshine, and render its whole course smooth and placid. We know not the origin of the article; but that it is a good one, an excellent one; we are quite sure.

First, get a wife. Secondly, be patient. – You may have great trials and perplexities in your business with the world; but do not, therefore, carry to your home a clouded or contradicted brow. Your wife may have had trials, which though less magnitude, may have been as hard to bear. Do not increase her difficulties. A kind, conciliating word, a tender look, will do wonders in chasing from her brow all clouds of gloom. You encounter your difficulties in the open air, fanned by heaven’s cool breezes; but your wife is often shut in from these healthful influences, and her health fails, and her spirits lose their elasticity. But, oh! Hear with her; she has trials and sorrows, to which you are a stranger, but which your tenderness can deprive of all her anguish. Notice kindly her little attentions and efforts to promote your comfort. Do not take them as a matter of course, and pass them by at the same time being very sure to observe any omission of what you may consider her duty to you. Do not treat her with indifference, if you would not sear and palsy her heart, which watered by kindness, would to the latest day of your existence, throb with sincere and constant affection.

Sometimes yield your wishes to her. She has preferences as strong as you, and it may be just as trying to her yield her choice as to you. Do you find it hard to yield sometimes? Think you not it is difficult for her to give up always?


Qualities for  Wife

The man who can be contented to live with a pretty useful companion, without a mind, has lost in voluptuous gratifications a taste for more refined enjoyments. He has never felt the calm satisfaction that refreshes the parched heart like the silent dew of heaven, - of being beloved by one who can understand him. In the society of his wife he is still alone; unless when the man is sunk in the brute. The charm of life, says a grave philosophical reasoner, is sympathy: nothing pleases us more than to observe in others a fellow feeling with all the emotions of our own breasts.

—Mary Wolstoncraft


The Female Kings

The Female Kings. A new female sect has just appeared in a part of Ohio, called “The Female Kings,” who hold that the order of nature has been reversed – that the time has now arrived when the ‘last half’ be first; consequently that woman is the lord of creation and man her servant. They sit in judgment upon the saints; are endowed with eternal life; are proof to injury; and are under the special are of the Lord – fed, clothes and preserved by his power. – They have succeeded in making a great many converts, and the infatuated creatures have left their families and are wandering about without script, and without purse, taking no thought of the morrow, led as they think, buy the Spirit, to follow the Lamb withersoever he goeth.


Baskets of Chatter

The Ladies. —As long as there are women on the earth, there will always be something new to say about them. The Rabbins ought to be ashamed of themselves for their scandalous libel, in saying that ten baskets of chatter were let down from heaven, and the women appropriated nine of them.


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