Socials and Picnics

Social Gathering

The Ladies belonging to the Female Labor Reform Association" of this city are making preparations for a grand and useful "Gathering," on the eve of the 13th of next month, (St. Valentines eve) at the City Hall, which bids fair to excel, in rational pleasure, any thing of the kind, recently enjoyed by our citizens.

Eminent and distinguished speakers, will be in attendance from abroad to interest and instruct—a band of music, together with singing, will be there to gratify the lovers of harmony, and a rich treat of fruits and other eatables, will not be wanting; making in all a "feast of fat things," for the sum of 25 cts. only; the proceeds of which, will be appropriated to the cause of Labor Reform. Friends from Boston, Lynn, Woburn, Fitchburg, Worcester, Waltham, Andover, Newton and Manchester N.H., and all the adjoining towns, together with all others, are invited to be with us, and aid the cause.


The “Social Gathering" of
the Lowell Female Labor
Reform Association

Last Friday evening was a glorious time for the operatives and workingmen of Lowell. At an early hour the City Hall was splendidly illuminated and vibrated with the sweet strains from the "Lowell Brass Band," who generously volunteered their services for the occasion. Long before the hour arrived for the services to commence, the Hall was thronged with gladsome hearts and joyous countenances. The Tables looked beautiful, ladened with fruits of the earth and the ingenious preparations of ladies' domestic arts. Indeed we came nigh fancying ourself in a "better land" where sin and oppression were unknown, everything looked so smiling and happy.

Mr. George W. Hatch, President of the evening, made some very appropriate remarks on taking the chair, and then introduced Mr. Potter of Manchester, N.H., editor of the "Democrat," who spoke in a very spirited and energetic manner upon the present system of factory labor and the prospect of procuring the "ten hour system" in New Hampshire.

Mr. White of Watertown, made a pertinent speech in his usual able manner. He was glad New Hampshire was engaged in factory reform, and wished also to see her divorced from southern slavery. He closed by an eloquent appeal to the operatives of Lowell to press forward in the great reform in which they were engaged.

Mr. Campbell of Boston spoke at some length with his usual zeal.

Mr. Healback of Boston, also made an interesting address; but the joyous mirth of the happy throng prevented us from getting a distinct idea of his remarks.

After the refreshments were served out, Mr. Cluefl indulged in a few humorous remarks which as usual brought a response from the people.

The intervals between speaking were occupied by the Band, the songs of Mr. French and two young pupils of Lowell, and the Messrs. Reads of Reading, two honest workingmen, who serve the labor reform movement, by their sweet voices as well as their able heads and hands.

The evening passed away with but little to mar the pleasures of the occasion. The “ffering" published for the occasion, was circulated, and added much to the usefulness of the gathering. 8 The “Valentine" Post Office must be productive of much good if the sentiments there issued, were akin to the following addressed to the “Voice of Industry" by some unknown factory girl, and we sincerely hope it may fall into the hands of every apologizer of the long hour and short life system in christendom.


“Aid leave my harp and me alone,
My grief thou may'st not share,
Responsive to its plaintive tone
Will flow refreshing tears.

Far from the factory's deaf’ning sound,
From all its noise and strife,
Would that my years might run their rounds
In sweet retired life.

But, if I still must wend my way,
Uncheered by hope's sweet song,
God grant, that, in the mills, a day
May be but “Ten Hours'" long.


Lowell, Feb. 14, 1846

Much credit is due the Ladies' “Labor Reform Association" for the good order and taste which was manifest throughout the entire arrangement; and the general satisfaction manifested by all. Our space will not admit of further comments at this time.


Thank you to the Men

A Card

The Ladies of the Female Labor Reform Association would take this opportunity to return their most sincere and unfeigned gratitude and thanks, to those gentlemen who so kindly and untiringly lent their aid in getting up the Social Gathering. Also, to Mr. Emery of the Merrimack House for his kind wishes and gentlemanly liberality.

May they be blest in basket and in store,

—H.J. Stone,

In behalf of the Association.

Voice of Industry, Feb. 27, 1846


Labor Reform Picnic

“The Ladies Labor Reform Association” of Dover N.H. were to hold a Social Picnic on last evening. Doubtless they had a pleasant and profitable time – they fully deserve all they enjoyed and much more, which we hope they will enjoy after the New Hampshire Legislature reduces the Hours of labor, in June next.


May Party

The Female Labor Reform Association will give a Party on the evening of May 1st, at the City Hall. The hall will be splendidly illuminated, and decorated with mottoes and flowers; eloquent speakers and choice singers will be present. The “Rogers Family," also Bond's well known Band, to discourse music. Rev. Wm. H. Channing, John Allen, and others from abroad, will speak on the occasion.

Our friends from Manchester, Worcester, Boston, Woburn, Lynn and other places, are invited to be present.

There will be no refreshments served, but an intellectual entertainment, such as every lover of good speaking and singing will appreciated.

Per Order

Voice of Industry, April 24, 1846


The Voice of Industry is in the public domain.


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